Freelancers: 7 steps to prepare for the future

The freelance community are all too aware of how jobs come and go. After all many freelancers were once employed in full-time jobs in old media. It can be scary when what you trained for is no longer in demand and jobs that you thought secure start to disappear. But the chances are good that we will see more and more of this kind of change. As a freelancer, you need to keep your skills relevant and keep an eye on the changes that are coming in order to make sure that you continue to have something to sell that people will actually pay for.

Big companies are not immune to changes in markets. There are many examples of companies that have lost their markets and had to either close or reinvent themselves. As a result, more cautious companies put time and effort into watching out for change and working out how to respond to it. You can learn from what companies do and do the same for your freelance business.

Step 1: Face Facts

You can’t wish away change. Shedding the odd tear for days gone by over a beer on Friday is fine, but during the working week, don’t look back. It’s better to expend energy on making a plan for the future than on wishing the world were different. Support each other by redirecting the conversation to the future when fellow freelancers want to dwell in the past.

If a line of work is no longer valued by the market it is no reflection on your worth as a human being. Don’t take it personally. They rules of the game have changed, but you are smart and you can figure out how to win with the new rules. (Or you can always become an anarchist and bring down the system.)

Step 2: Set Aside Time to Future-Proof Your Business

Around 20% of your time as a freelancer should be spent on development – that includes improving your business processes, collecting information, strategizing, learning new skills, watching what your competitors are doing, experimenting, trying new things, dreaming up new potential paths. That means one day a week.

Any time spent on future-proofing your business is legitimate work time. Companies pay consultants to predict the future, employ futurists and set up whole strategic planning departments. You should do the same, on a freelance scale.

Step 3: Scan the Horizon

Your best (possibly only) protection against the future is to be well informed. For this you need to set up systems for collecting appropriate information. Don’t leave this to chance. Here are some ways that you can find information relevant to your situation.

  1. Subscribe to relevant publications, blogs and newsfeeds.
  2. Create filters to stay on top of current and relevant information.
  3. Take the time to read the information, say 2 hours every Friday. Reading is legitimate work.
  4. Use social media like LinkedIn to learn what is happening in your area of work.
  5. Join a professional organisation or network, attend their events and talk to people.
  6. Create your own support group of like-minded people in related fields and meet regularly to talk.
  7. Watch your competitors closely to see what they are offering. Be on the lookout for new products or services.
  8. Take time just to follow interesting links, search for stuff of interest, and indulge your curiosity.

Keep your own notes of trends that you want to learn more about, comments you want to follow up on, web sites that seem interesting. Use a tool like Evernote to capture your thoughts and ideas.

Step 4: Embrace Technology

Whether you like it or not, the future is technological. Identify technologies relevant for your business and embrace them. Learn to use your existing tools better; take an advanced course. Investigate tools that will make you more efficient, more competitive and learn to use them. Make use of your support group to learn new technologies together. Technology is easier if you can get excited about the possibilities.

Step 5: Understand what Change Means for your Customers

One of the best ways to stay relevant is to understand how your customer’s needs are changing and adapt your offering to meet those changing needs.

  1. Talk to your customers about change.
  2. What is confusing, frustrating or disappointing to your clients?
  3. What about the future do they fear?
  4. What is exciting for your clients? What changes are they looking forward to?
  5. What will your clients need in 5 years’ time?
  6. Discuss customer needs with your business network and support group. Test out ideas on them and explore how they are seeing customer needs changing.

Step 6: Re-engineer Your Business

When big companies see threatening change up ahead, one of the responses is to re-engineer their business to enable them to offer new or different products or services and to do that in new or different ways. The process of business re-engineering may seem too complex to apply to a freelance business, but the same principles can give interesting insights into how you can change. There are four steps to re-engineering: deconstruct, evaluate, innovate and reassemble. To explain the process, here is an example of the business of a freelance writer of magazine articles.

Step one, deconstruct, would be to break down what you do into small self-contained steps. For our writer, these might be:

  1. Identify a publication
  2. Go through past issues and your news feeds to identify a topic of interest
  3. Research the subject online
  4. Write a story
  5. Source pictures from your archive or online sources
  6. Sell the story
  7. Invoice and collect

These steps might not be linear – you might identify the publication first, but each one of them has to happen.

Now that you have your steps, you evaluate each one and ask yourself: Is this step being done well? Can it be done better? What does this step cost? Can it be done cheaper? Can it be automated or outsourced? Is this a step that you are good at? Is it something you really want to be doing?

Now take those steps that you think could be done better and investigate your options for improving them. Here is where you want to be innovative. Look for ways to do them faster or cheaper, ways to automate or outsource them. For example, you might want to use Google search terms to identify topics to write about, contract someone to do the research for you or get some software running to speed up the task of invoicing. There may be an online tool that identifies potential publications for you, like this one for academic research articles or this one that identifies what different publications pay.

The last step is to reassemble your steps in a more efficient way, more geared to what your customers want. You could, for example end up with the following improved steps:

  1. Use Google Trends to find several topics of interest
  2. Get a freelancer to research the topics and source pictures
  3. Write stories
  4. Use an online tool to identify a publications
  5. Use a virtual assistant to contact publications and sell the stories
  6. Use a virtual assistant to invoice and collect

In this new model you are now doing steps a, c and d and have outsourced the rest. In addition, you are doing steps and d more efficiently, leaving you more time to spend on other things. You may of course decide that your business should be to offer a service to writers, identifying publications for their articles, in which case the steps in your re-engineered business would look quite different.

You may want to do this with a business coach or use your support group for new perspectives during this exercise. Fresh eyes see things that are too obvious for you.

Step 7: Reengineer Yourself

People who work in fast-changing industries, like software developers, know how important it is to keep upgrading your skills. This is going to become the norm for freelancers too. Here are some things you can do to keep improving yourself.

  1. Work out what sets you apart from everyone else doing this work, and how you can capitalise on this.
  2. Re-skill relentlessly – try to learn a new skill every year.
  3. Attend seminars and workshops related to the future of your profession.
  4. Attend seminars and workshops to develop broader business skills.
  5. Use online learning resources – webinars and MOOCs.
  6. Take classes, courses and formal training if it seems relevant.
  7. Develop a list of “tacks” or changes in direction that you might be able to do in the next year or two. This way if current opportunities dry up suddenly, you have already thought about where you can go next. Revisit your list regularly.
  8. Develop an open mind – think of the one thing that you “would never do” and go and investigate that as an option for your business. You don’t have to do it, but thinking it through might expose you to new ideas and it may not be as awful as you think.

In conclusion

No job is immune, if you have a good gig for now take advantage of it, stash money for a rainy day, keep watching the horizon for signs of change, and make plans for dealing with that change. You should try and be developing two future options at any one time, but not more than that. If your income is under immediate threat you need to move more quickly, so spend a bit more time on the process.

A large part of being future-proof is just staying upbeat. Don’t fret too much. Fear shuts down the creative process and makes it harder to see new opportunities. Positive people see possibilities. The best you can do is to get excited about the future and look forward to it.


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Writing IS collaborative

Join our FirstFreelancerFriday social on the first Friday of every month

FirstFreelancerFriday – Freelancer Social

Freelancing isn’t for the clockwatcher. It isn’t for those wanting the ‘comfort’ of a job and a regular salary. It is for the brave, the very admirable bold. It is for those who know their value exists beyond being an employee. We all dream of the freedom that self-employment offers, but we also know that freedom comes at a price.

The path you’ve chosen is incredibly empowering, but it can also be profoundly lonely.

It doesn’t have to be.

Join us at #FirstFreelancerFriday, our monthly social get-together for self-employed freelancers of Joburg to meet other freelancers and hear inspiring stories, struggles and successes.

Remember the chats around the water cooler back in the office? We have wine. And snacks. Haven’t managed to escape the corporate grind yet? Come along, we’ll convince you to follow your dreams. Free for Better members / R50 non-members. Tickets here:

Planning your freelance career

There is a lot to like about freelance work: being your own boss, control of your time, chosing your customers. But making the transition to freelance work is difficult and scary.

If you have been thinking about it, or have made some steps towards freelance work, but are not sure whether to commit fully, here is an opportunity for you to think it through.

The course is very hands-on, working through exercises. We work with small groups so that there is time to listen to each person’s story and discuss specific strategies and solutions for you.


The workshop runs over three evenings, discussing:

Session 1: Where are you now?

In this first session we assess where you are, your skills, opportunities and challenges and why you want to freelance. We also look at the kind of person you are and how suited you might be to a freelance life.

Session 2: Where you want to be?

In our second session we get creative, and you imagine your perfect freelance life. How much time will go into work? How much money do you want to make? What will your working day look like? We also take a sober look at what might be feasible in the next year or so.

Session 3: How will you get there?

In our final session we discuss strategies for making the transition. What needs to be in place before you can make the move? Whose buy-in do you need? We look at strategies that have worked for other freelancers and discuss what might work for you. Then you craft a plan and map out the steps you need to take.


Does it help?

Donna Chiang had this to say after attending:

“Please could you pass on my thanks to Judy and Andrew for hosting such a wonderful workshop? I really enjoyed it and felt that I could propel myself in a practical and inspired manner towards the things that I enjoy doing. And make an income doing so.

We spoke about things that were so relevant to me and they gave such practical tips to apply in my current situation and things to think about when I’m eventually where I am where I want to be. The 3 days spread over the 3 weeks, helped solidify my learnings.”


Judy has a background in business strategy as well as experience of freelance work and Andrew is a long-time freelancer. This workshop shares what they have learned and the resources they have collected in their freelance journeys.

  • Who: Those contemplating freelance work or in the process of making the transition
  • Cost: R400 (R300 for members of Better) (for all three evenings)
  • Time: 6.00pm to 7.30pm
  • Dates: Wednesday 8th, 15th and 22nd November

Maximum 6 places. Booking and prepayment essential. E-mail Candy at or call 011 327 6098.

Find our EFT details here.



Dreamcrafting (strategic planning) for freelancers

Strategic planning is something that big businesses do, right? And you left all that behind you when you shifted to self-employment or freelancing, right? Maybe not.

If you have been freelancing or self-employed for some time and are struggling to make it work, or if you are doing OK but want to take your freelance career to the next level, take some time out to think strategically about what you are doing.

Close your eyes for a minute and think about what you want from your freelance business. Happiness? The joy of creating? Fame? To make enough money to stay unemployed? More time to spend with your kids?

Dreaming about the future is a great way to clarify what you really, really want. It can also help you to know what you don’t want. These dreams can help you to

  • identify what is and is not working for you,
  • move in the right direction towards a better situation,
  • choose what work to take on and what work to say no to,
  • clarify where to spend your time and what you shouldn’t be doing,
  • decide when you need help and
  • feel more relaxed and secure.

Dreamcrafting is the process of turning your dreams into reality.

In this workshop you will dream about your freelance business using fun, creative tools. You will learn to listen to your emotional responses to help you decide what really matters. Then we will take some of the lessons of strategic planning that businesses use and apply them to your freelance mini-business in order  to craft that future. You can pick from a basket of tools those that you think will work for you.

The course is very hands-on, working through exercises. We work with small groups so that there is time to listen to each person’s story and discuss specific strategies and solutions for you.

Take away a pack of creative dreamcrafting tools, your own personal vision for your future and practical steps for moving towards that future.

Judy Backhouse has taught strategic planning at business schools and universities and has adapted what she taught there to the context of freelance or self-employed businesses.

This workshop is for established freelancers who want to take thier careers to the next level. If you are just starting out as a freelancer you should consider our Planning your Freelance Career workshops instead.

Next workshop: Tuesday 24th October

  • 2.00pm – 3.30pm: Dreaming, feelings and introducing the toolset
  • 3.30pm – 4.00pm: Tea break
  • 4.00pm – 5.30pm: Working with selected tools to craft your dream

Cost: R400 (R300 for members of Better). Our EFT details

Maximum 6 places. To book your place, e-mail Candy on or call 011 327 6098.