Meet the dreamers

Judy and Andrew are really excited about meeting you. We have set aside some times for us to meet informally for a chat. We’d like to put faces to names and to share our dreams for Better with you. We’d also like to hear about your dreams for creating and how Better can help you realise them.

The times are:

  • Tuesday 7th and 14th from 2pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday 8th and 15th from 10am to 12noon
  • Friday 10th and 17th from 4pm to 6pm (this one with wine!)

Come and find us at 91 Oxford Road, Saxonwold. Our signage has been delayed, so look out for the College of Digital Photography signs – we share premises with them. The entrance is in Englewold Road.

Just wander in. Our receptionist Patience will be around to direct you. We’ll all wear name tags so you can tell who we are. Please come and introduce yourself.

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