Writing is a very solitary pursuit. This makes it difficult to stay motivated and inspired.
A community of writers can help you. Peers help validate the value in the craft of writing, provide social pressure to make progress, and reinforce the habit of writing regularly. They are also valuable sources of information, sharing their tools and processes, tips on getting published, and practical, lived experience about making life as a writer work.
Better is a co-working space in Saxonwold. We’re creating a community of writers who provide this kind of support for each other. Better provides a warm and welcoming space with quiet rooms, fast Wi-Fi, reference books, curated information for writers, tea and coffee and good company. We run regular workshops and writing-related events too.
Read our story to get a feel for who we are.
Visit Better and see the place for yourself. Work here for a day, for free.
Join our community as a member. Membership gets you in on your terms.